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Location Canada

Foreign Direct Investment in Canada – Grace Under Pressure

Gabriel Dion, Managing Director, Global Strategy, Newmark (Q3 2024)

Foreign Direct Investment in Canada faces new challenges and opportunities as the country navigates economic shifts and evolving investment strategies in key sectors like electric vehicles, clean energy and advanced manufacturing. More

Hydrogen Industry in Canada: A Global Leader in the Clean Energy Revolution

Marc Beauchamp, President, SCI Global (Q3 2024)

Hydrogen is transforming clean energy, with Canada leading through innovative production methods, diverse applications, and strong government support, driving future growth and sustainability. More

Canada's Infrastructure and Innovation: Powering Economic Growth and Sustainability

Gregg Wassmansdorf, Gabriel Dion, and Gillian Apps, Global Corporate Services, Global Strategy, Newmark Canada (Location Canada 2023)

Through its investment in infrastructure development, site-readiness initiatives, transformation of its power sector, and work-focused immigration policies, FDI in Canada continues to grow at a healthy pace. More

How ESG Is Driving Canadian Government Programs

Marc Beauchamp, President, SCI Global (Location Canada 2023)

Through their ESG-oriented policies, Canada’s federal and provincial governments are working to position themselves as an attractive investment destination for businesses seeking sustainable long-term growth. More

The Power of Location

City of St Albert (Location Canada 2022)

As companies seek to find a location that will achieve the right mix of size, price, accessibility, and time to market, having an optimal logistics location is paramount to cultivating a corporate competitive advantage. Highway access, proximity to all modes of transportation networks, and a qualified work force are also factors that can affect location decisions. More

“Friend-Shoring” To “Next-Dooring”

Daniel Ujczo, Senior Counsel, Thompson Hine LLP (Location Canada 2022)

Canada holds a strategic position as a critical investment destination in a new era of global supply chains and sourcing. More

Challenges & Opportunities in the Canadian Life Sciences and Health Technology (LSHT) Industry

Marc Beauchamp, President, SCI Global (Location Canada 2022)

The government’s strategy to ensure the growth of its life sciences sector, along with the country’s high-quality talent and low operational costs among other advantages, makes Canada the place to invest in the LSHT sector. More

Navigating the Change: Business Location and Economic Development in Canada

Julia Stefanishina, Senior Vice President/Associate Partner,  Ernst & Young and Elizabeth Pringle, Associate Partner, Ernst & Young (Location Canada 2022)

De-globalization, supply chain disruptions, an evolving tax landscape, tight labor markets, and the continued rise of ESG are among the issues manufacturers are facing. More

Ontario: Coming Back Strong

Mark Crawford, Staff Editor, Area Development (Location Canada 2022)

With a thriving base of both traditional and high-tech industries, Ontario is a top performer in Canada’s economy. More

Canada Makes Foreign Investors Feel at Home

Katie Curran, Interim Chief Executive Officer, Invest in Canada (Location Canada 2021)

A rebounding economy — along with access to top talent and unmatched market access — makes Canada a top choice for investment. More

Canada’s Diversity and Positioning Is Promising

Marc Beauchamp, President, SCI Global (Location Canada 2021)

Although the pandemic caused FDI to slow, with its diverse workforce, Canada is experiencing a surge in Industry 4.0 projects and may benefit from U.S. firms nearshoring their supply chains. More

Canadian Industrial Sectors Expand with Business and Government Investment

Gregg Wassmansdorf, Senior Managing Director, Global Corporate Services, Newmark  and Gabriel Dion, Managing Director, Global Strategy, Newmark (Location Canada 2021)

Diverse public-sector infrastructure investments, streamlined regulations, and certified site programs are driving private-sector industrial investment and expansions across Canada. More

Navigating Canada’s Complex Incentives Landscape

Navid Hemmati, Senior Manager, Business Tax Incentives, EY Canada (Location Canada 2020)

Canadian business incentives can build resiliency and long-term growth. More

Canada’s Talent Advantage Builds Investor Confidence

Ian McKay, CEO, Invest in Canada (Location Canada 2020)

Its highly educated workforce, open and inclusive society, and support for business will ease your company’s investment in Canada. More

From NAFTA to the USMCA — A Canadian Perspective

Marc Beauchamp, President, SCI Global (Location Canada 2020)

Although it is still too early to say how investors to Canada will react to the USMCA, it does provide medium-term certainty to North American trade. More

Canadian Opportunities for Growth in the New Normal

Anita Shinde, Partner, Economic and Advisory, Canada, Deloitte  (Location Canada 2020)

COVID-19 has shaken up global competitiveness, potentially offering Canada unique opportunities to recover and thrive. More

COVID-19 and Site Selection in the Near and Long Term

Marc Beauchamp, President, SCI Global (Q2 2020)

The global pandemic has accelerated a digital transformation of the workforce, a shift to just-in-case inventory management, redirecting of incentives, and other changes in business priorities. More

Global Investment In – and Within – North America

Marc Beauchamp, President, SCI Global (Q2 2020)

Marc Beauchamp, President and CEO, CAI Global Group, spoke with Area Development about recent Canadian and international investment projects in the U.S. from a site selection perspective after his presentation at our 2019 Houston Consultants Forum. More

Northwest B.C. Industrial Park — A Gateway to North America and Asia

Mark Crawford, Staff Editor, Area Development (Q2 2020)

Skeena Industrial Development Park connects Canada, China, and the North-Central U.S. More

Edmonton’s Expanding Role in the Global Economy

Mark Crawford, Staff Editor, Area Development (Q1 2020)

With a strong mix of resource industries and emerging high tech, the Edmonton metropolitan region is one of the fastest-growing regions in Canada. More

FDI Surges Ahead in Canada

Marc Beauchamp, President, SCI Global (Location Canada 2019)

Canada continues to be a premier investment destination and is dedicated to protecting its key industries, investing in innovation, and developing its workforce. More

High-Quality Talent: The Not-So-Secret Ingredient in Canada’s Economic Recipe for Success

Vic Fedeli, Ontario Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (Location Canada 2019)

Canada’s education system and immigration approach attract talent that strengthens our labor force and business markets. More

It’s Time to Change Attitudes Over the Northern Latitudes

Daniel Ujczo, Senior Counsel, Thompson Hine LLP (Location USA 2019)

Canada’s ability to serve as a platform for global trade into and from North America, while developing a series of innovative tools for next-generation growth, is one of its greatest strengths. More

Tech Innovators Find a Home for Invention and Growth in Canada

Tom Gresham (Q4 2018)

New incentives are making Canada an attractive place to invest. More

The Canadian Labor Force Works for Success

Steve Kaelble, Staff Editor, Area Development (Location Canada 2018)

A highly educated, diverse, low-cost workforce is drawing businesses to set up their facilities in Canada. More

Innovative Superclusters to Foster Economic Growth

Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, Canadian Ministry of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (Location Canada 2018)

The Government of Canada is investing C$950 million in five economic superclusters aimed at making the nation a world-leading center for innovation. More

Canada Remains A Premier Investment Destination

Marc Beauchamp, President, SCI Global (Location Canada 2018)

Despite the uncertain investment environment brought about by renegotiation of NAFTA and new U.S.-imposed tariffs, Canada continues to promote FDI by maintaining an open economy, investing in its workforce, and engaging in regional trade partnerships. More

Relationships, Partnerships, and Connections Are Key to Attracting Investment

Bonnie O’Neill, Executive Director, Ontario East Economic Development Commission  (Q3 2018)

Relationships are key to knowing what site selectors and investors are seeking, to learning their needs, and to helping them succeed. More

Area Development Consultants Forum Event Provides Insight on Attracting Canadian FDI

CAI Global (Location Canada 2017)

The Canadian FDI Forum brought together economic developers from across Canada who listened to advice from leading location consultants and corporate decision-makers about the factors that drive site selection and how to garner their share of investment. More

The Not-So-Secret Advantages of a Canadian Location

Steve Kaelble, Staff Editor, Area Development (Location Canada 2017)

Canada’s business advantages have been recognized for quite some time, resulting in the nation receiving numerous accolades. More

First Person: Ontario’s Investment Office Is a One-Stop Information Source for Investors

Allan O'Dette, Chief Investment Officer, Ontario Investment Office (Location Canada 2017)

Allan O’Dette was appointed as Ontario’s first Chief Investment Officer (CIO) in April 2017. He leads the newly created Ontario Investment Office, which has both a domestic and international facing mandate to secure increased investment in key sectors while strengthening the overall competitiveness of Ontario firms. More

Canada Offers R&D-Focused Companies a Range of Opportunities

Greg MacDonald, P. Eng., Leader of Atlantic R&D and Government Incentives, Grant Thornton LLP (Location Canada 2017)

Canada’s strong mix of funding programs makes it a location worth considering for companies expanding their global R&D footprint. More

Canada: A Favorable Destination for Foreign Direct Investors

Marc Beauchamp, President, SCI Global (Location Canada 2017)

By facilitating trade and technological modernization, Canada continues to break into the investment attraction competition. More

Skilled Talent and a Collaborative Environment Give Canada a Competitive Edge

Stephen Thompson, Senior Economic Officer – San Francisco , Ontario's Ministry of International Trade (Location Canada 2017)

Its highly educated and diverse population, along with policies geared toward attracting the best and brightest talent, has made Canada essential to technology companies’ growth plans. More

International Location Report: Expectations for a Steady Canadian Economy in 2017

Mark Crawford, Staff Editor, Area Development (Directory 2017)

Expanded immigration will help Canada to fill its need for skilled workers as its high-tech industry sectors expand and its economy continues to grow. More

Canada’s Intent to Create the World’s Largest Trading Bloc

Michael Darch, Founding President, Consider Canada Cities Alliance (Directory 2017)

Combined with NAFTA, CETA provides companies located in Canada with preferential access to the world’s two largest economies — the U.S. and the EU — that together with Canada represent half of the world’s GDP. More

North America’s Robotics Renaissance Fueled by Skilled Labor

Stephen Thompson, Senior Economic Officer – San Francisco , Ontario's Ministry of International Trade (Q4 2016)

A new generation of collaborative robots is increasing industrial efficiency and productivity while the increasing affordability of advanced robotics technology has the potential to quickly make smaller businesses more competitive. A key to unlocking that potential will be meeting the industry’s need for skilled labor to drive robotics-related research and commercialization. More

Cloud Adoption Multiplying Data Center Demand

Geraldine Gambale, Editor, Area Development Magazine (Q3 2016)

The rising reliance on digital content and data sovereignty laws are driving demand for data center space. More

Looking to Canada to Satisfy Your Workforce Needs

Stephen Thompson, Senior Economic Officer – San Francisco , Ontario's Ministry of International Trade (Location Canada 2016)

With six out of 10 CIOs believing skills shortages will prevent their organizations from keeping up with the speed of change, the solution might be closer than expected. One needs only to look up. More

Foreign Investors Connect to the World from Canada

Bill Luttrell, Director of Corporate Real Estate, Werner Enterprises, Inc. (Location Canada 2016)

Canada’s logistics infrastructure and trade connections can be quite beneficial to foreign investors and shippers. More

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