Area Development Conference and Forum Series
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Area Development
Conference & Forum Series

Women in Economic Development Chicago October 2019

As a first-time attendee and sponsor, I was very impressed with intelligent presentations and level of engagement by the consultant attendees. I felt welcomes, inspired and educated after spending time with these very accomplished female leaders. It was worth both my time and my company's investment, and I look forward to attending in future years.
Ameren, Missouri (2019 Sponsor)

I really love this conference! It is a great opportunity to network and gain new knowledge! Really enjoyed the ED speakers being part of the panelists.
Team NEO, Ohio

This was my first time attending the Forum. It's one of the best ED conferences I've attended. Content, presenters, food, venue, etc. were all top notch. Amy Geber was a fantastic moderator.
Commerce Lexington, Kentucky (sponsor)

I thought the forum was very well organized, the speakers were great and represented a wide range of topics, and there was enough time built into network with others.

Clinton Regional Development Group, Iowa

I derived a lot of value from the forum - both from an educational standpoint and from networking. Having an all-women�s event really fostered a sense of comradery and community. I look forward to attending next year�s forum.
Colorado Office of Economic Development & International Trade

I thought this was very well structured and the content was great. The presentations were well thought out and well delivered by everyone. It was great to have the panel of economic developers included and to have a presentation and topic such as Lisa Clarke's. It made for a well-rounded set of presentations.

The forum was an excellent program for anyone at any stage of her economic development career. I enjoyed all the speakers and each presenter's willingness to talk during breaks. Bravo Dennis!
Dixie Electric Membership Corporation, Louisiana

As always, I find it very valuable to have face time with site selectors and to exchange ideas with peers from around the US.
Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation

Canadian FDI Forum Edmonton October 2019

I thought the array of speakers were excellent and very useful for anyone in the FDI business. I particularly thought the Talent/labor sessions were powerful and I enjoyed the round table. Finally, well organized and run. A first-class event.
Edmonton Global (sponsor)

It was the first of this kind that I attend as a new employee in the federal government. The whole event was highly professional and well-organized, the logistics worked great and the flow between sequences of events/panels were very good.
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

Great conference. Love how accessible the speakers are and that they stick around for the entire event. I think that is a major competitive advantage for the Canadian FDI Forum.
City of Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta (sponsor)

Excellent content and speakers, great venue overall very satisfied and would do it again.
Brampton Economic Development Office, Ontario (sponsor)

This was my first forum and I will return. The information provided was timely and informative and the roundtable discussions provided a deeper dive into the site selection world, especially for current information.
City of Camrose, Alberta

This was my second participation. I really enjoyed the "forward" looking / technology focus of the conference.
Sherbrooke Innopole, Quebec

This year's forum provided strong presentations and a lot of material that has already led to some constructive follow ups and valuable tools that I was able to share with my community.
City of Abbotsford, British Columbia

Another excellent Canadian FDI Forum. Great content, speakers and networking
Government of Saskatchewan (sponsor)

Consultants Forum Charlotte June 2019

The Consultants Forum was an excellent way to hear from industry experts and consultants. The networking times and roundtables were valuable to ask questions and create connections. The value of connecting with some of the leading consultants in the country is very beneficial.

Excellent forum, the variety of speakers with diverse backgrounds and experiences made the conference information so practical and helpful. Your team always does a stellar job.
ElectriCities of North Carolina (sponsor)

Great Forum as always. Made a few brand-new contacts, reconnected with old contacts, and generated a new project out of it. Thanks guys!
Denton Economic Development Partnership, Texas

The number of attendees makes the Forum size just right to allow meaningful conversations with site consultants without having to wait in a long line.
Regional Growth Partnership, Ohio

The Forum was outstanding. Speakers were outstanding. Glad our Secretary of Commerce could be present - thanks so much.
Valparaiso Economic Development Corporation, Indiana (sponsor)

Overall, a very good experience. The consultants were present and accessible for a very good amount of time, allowing for great networking.

Invest Buffalo Niagara, New York

Great experience. The quality of speakers and presentations was excellent. The presentations were much more professional than I have seen at similar events run by other organizations. Very well done.
Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, South Carolina

Loved all the speakers and the topics were very relevant and insightful.
Calvert County Economic Development, Maryland (sponsor)

I have not attended these in the past and was very impressed with the organization and speakers.
Greater Phoenix Economic Council, Arizona

Overall, I thought the Forum was well organized and offered an appropriate level of facetime with the consultants. The presentations were also very informative.
Great River Energy, Minnesota

Had an excellent experience, there seemed to be something/someone there for everyone. Especially considering the future of the US economy in flux, the speaker perspectives were extremely valuable.
Greensburg Decatur County Economic Development, Indiana

It was a good experience and great opportunity to hear about upcoming trends.
Valdosta-Lowndes County Development Authority, Georgia (sponsor)

Thought it was great. Programs were super and all the networking opportunities were outstanding.
Timmons Group, North Carolina (sponsor)

The Area Development Consultants Forum always deliver great content and excellent networking opportunities.
Tulsa Regional Chamber, Oklahoma

Excellent opportunity to connect with peers and partners in a city that I enjoy visiting.
Arizona Commerce Authority

As always, well-structured with informative speakers and time to network.
South Central Indiana Economic Development (sponsor)

I really enjoyed the presentation and discussions on Foreign Direct Investment. We are currently working with a consultant in Europe, so this was timely.
ElectriCities of North Carolina (sponsor)

Very informative with valuable networking opportunities.
Davidson County Economic Development Commission, North Carolina

Consultants Forum Miami December 2018


As I have told my team when I returned, this was one of the best events I have attended in years. New relationships. Strong content. No egos.
Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation, Maryland

It was a thoughtfully curated program on relevant and diverse economic development topics that suited a variety of experience levels. I always enjoy this Forum.
Muncie-Delaware County Economic Development Alliance, Indiana

The structure of this forum allows for intimate conversations among site consultants and economic development professionals. The number of attendees is perfect for great interaction and for forming long-term relationships.
Regional Growth Partnership, Ohio

The speakers were excellent and many of them I had never heard before. I appreciated the opportunity to network with consultants and colleagues.
Manatee County Government, Florida

This conference is an excellent way to share your communities' story to consultants one-on-one. Great networking.
Central Florida Development Council

Very positive. Found the forum one of the most useful conferences I've been to.
Delaware Prosperity Partnership

As a first-time attendee I found the accommodations excellent, the networking enjoyable and valued, and the speaker engaging for the most part.
Enterprise Florida (sponsor)

As always, excellent presentations and great networking.
East Tennessee Economic Development Agency

Enjoyed the presentations, meeting the speakers and fellow economic development professionals.
The Miami-Dade Beacon Council, Florida (sponsor)

Fantastic location and venue. The speakers were informative and (some) very entertaining.  I received answers in those presentations I was looking for and made some important connections. 
Flagler County Department of Economic Opportunity, Florida

Good Forum. I like the idea of the shorter (current topic/trend) presentations vs. the old “how to host a consultant” or what a “consultant looks for”.
Columbus 2020, Ohio (sponsor)

Great event!  I enjoyed the interaction between consultants and their clients for some of the sessions.  So, impressed with the level of detail Brian Corde went to in order to prepare for his presentation. 
Springfield Regional Economic Partnership, Missouri

Great Experience! Met some great people doing great things in their own states/regions. Speakers were great, as well!
Lewis County Economic Development, New York

Great forum with informative presentations. There were also plenty of networking opportunities in the evening.
Santee Cooper, South Carolina (sponsor)

Great job, I enjoyed the lineup of speakers, the hotel was fantastic, and you can’t beat Miami weather in December. No complaints here!
Ameren Missouri

It was an excellent conference. Relevant and informative. I would recommend.
Nevada Governor's Office of Economic Development

The Miami Forum was exceptional. There was great networking and the content from the presenters was very relevant. Thank you for the invitation!
Ottawa County Improvement Corporation, Ohio

This was my first Area Development Forum.  Very well laid out and a lot of good up to date information and updates!  Thank you!
Washington County Economic Growth Partnership, Indiana

This was my first attendance and must comment the Forum was excellent in content with expertise insights from professionals in the industry.
Laredo Economic Development Corporation, Texas

This was my first time. Been in the market for over 35 years and it's one of the best I have attended. 
Fulton County Center for Regional Growth, New York

Very impressed, was not sure what to expect and thought the attendees and content was A+.

You put on an excellent event. Loved the venue, networking opportunities, and content.
Brazos Valley Economic Development Corporation, Texas

Workshop Forum Richmond March 2019

Area economic developers up their courtship with site selectors

Very much appreciated the forward-looking content and perspectives offered by our site consultant colleagues.
JAXUSA Partnership, Florida

Great venues, well thought out agenda, and great networking throughout the conference.
Timmons Group, Virginia (sponsor)

Excellent workshop as always. Excellent, relevant, and useful content. No-nonsense nor irrelevant fluff.
Development Authority of Jefferson County, Georgia

I think you all did a fantastic job on organizing this workshop and arranged for exceptional speakers.
Rome Floyd Chamber, Georgia

Worth the trip.
Clarke County Development, Iowa

Well done. Right number of people. Right amount of content.
Virginia's Gateway Region Economic Development Organization (sponsor)

Loved the format! I didn't get bored for even a minute!

Central Virginia Partnership (sponsor)

The small workshops sessions provided great information and opportunities to ask direct questions to the site consultants and other experts. Enjoyed the networking opportunities/events. Well organized. Great venue.
Jefferson County Development Authority, West Virginia

I thought the size of the conference was perfect. It was big enough to get really great information but small enough to make actual connections with each other.
Albuquerque Economic Development, Inc., New Mexico

The Consultants Workshop experience was outstanding. Each breakout session was on point with experienced, seasoned leaders. The down time was great as it gave us time to get to know each other personally. Thank you for your outstanding forum.
Southwest Florida Economic Development Alliance

The workshop was excellent. Speakers were generally very good, and I had plenty of time to get my questions answered.
York County Economic Development, Virginia (sponsor)

One of my favorite Area Development programs.
Henrico County Virginia Economic Development Authority, Virginia (sponsor)

I am new to the Economic Development space, so I got a lot out of the smaller meetings.
Hampton Roads Economic Development Alliance, Virginia (sponsor)

I found the workshop sessions very informative and helpful. I would highly recommend economic developers to attend this event! The networking, information and overall quality of the event was like no other!
Carolinas Gateway Partnership, North Carolina

I adored this workshop. The small group environment allowed us to ask questions and get feedback. Other communities shared with each other and collaborated to give examples and find solutions. I was grateful to attend. I only regret not being able to attend every session.

Tulsa Regional Chamber

Loved the small sessions.

Northwest Indiana Forum

Excellent. Small group workshops were a fantastic experience to be able to pick the brains of the presenters.
Greater Richmond Partnership, Virginia (sponsor)

Enjoyed and appreciated the new format with smaller group of economic development professionals at each consultant presentation. Wonderful venue. It will be hard to "top" The Jefferson Hotel at future events.
Greenville Area Development Corporation, South Carolina

I enjoyed the workshop and found it to be well organized and informational.
Economic Development Alliance of Southern Ohio

Canadian FDI Forum Ottawa, October 2018


New in economic development, it was good development and networking opportunity.
Invest Alberta

Overall experience was excellent. Presentations were relevant with great speakers and content. Lots of opportunities to network with site selection consultants and Canadian economic developers.
Saskatchewan Ministry of Trade and Export Development

Liked the overall program and felt we had good opportunities for direct one on one time with site selectors.
City of Woodstock, Ontario (Sponsor)

It was good networking and informative session.
Niagara Region, Ontario

Since it was my very first forum, I would say it was quite a success! The subjects of the conferences were spot on and very relevant according to what we must do as EDOs. I really enjoyed meeting other people working in the field from different region and exchanging about our practices.
Qu�bec International

I thought the speakers were very good, and greatly appreciated the ample opportunity to chat with most of them throughout the two days.
City of Leduc, Alberta

Forum was once again very good overall. As a second time attendee it was great to network with some of the site selectors from last year�s event and continue to build those relationships that are key to municipal economic development.
City of Brantford Economic Development & Tourism Department, Ontario

First FDI forum, thought it was great. I felt like I walked away with new insights into the industry and practical information I can use to be better in my field.
City of Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta

My first attendance to the Forum. Very well organized and run. The speakers delivered a good combination of insights and trends with how the specific of how it impacts Canada and how Canada is seen globally or on a North American scale.
Opportunities New Brunswick

Very good forum, lots of excellent speakers and flawless organization.
CDEJ Joliette, Qu�bec

Excellent Event! We made valuable connections and enjoyed the informative presentations.
AHP International, Germany

Women in Economic Development Forum Chicago 2018


Really enjoyed the conference - I've attended others in the past, but not the Women in Economic Development Forum. The depth of the topics was great, the speakers were dynamic. I love that each session is 40 minutes - enough time to get good information, but short enough to keep your attention.
Commerce Lexington, Kentucky

First time attendee. One of the best ED forums I've been to and the only all women conference. Appreciate the thought that went into the speaker topics.
Washington County Economic Development Council, Tennessee

I really enjoyed the forum. As someone who's relatively new to the field, I found that this was one of the more informational programs that I've attended.
Louisville Forward, Kentucky

This was the best conference I have ever been to. Thank you. Perfect topics, speakers, networking, and location.
GREATER MSP, Minnesota

I found the forum extremely valuable from a networking and content perspective. I enjoyed the quick format of many short segments. I was also in attendance last year and found this year's forum to be more engaging and on a better mix of topics. I love the chance to network with a group of female leaders.

This is one of my favorite conferences and this year did not disappoint. My favorite session was on women in manufacturing, but I found them all to be beneficial.
Harvey County Economic Development Council, Inc., Kansas

As a first-time attendee, I thought it was great and I plan to attend every year! The speakers were very engaging and there was ample time to speak with the speakers one on one. Overall, I would give it a 10!
Central Florida Development Council

Consultants Forum Indianapolis June 2018


Again, I walked away smarter than when I arrived. Great speakers in a greater venue with wonderful networking opportunities.
Greater Mankato Growth Inc., Minnesota

Another in a series of great conferences. Your organization always delivers with great speakers and pertinent information.
Illinois Municipal Electric Agency

Awesome stuff! Certainly, one of the best organized events I've attended. The speakers, dinner, networking, accommodations, etc. were fantastic.
River Ridge Commerce Center, Indiana

Best consultant event I've attended. The group dynamics were terrific, the consultants were friendly and engaging, the venue was terrific.
Henrico County Economic Development Authority, Virginia

Best Consultant Forum I've been to in a long time. Looking forward to your next one in December.
Marshall Area Economic Development Alliance, Michigan

Fantastic conference with important topics and engaging presenters.
Duke Energy Indiana

Fantastic experience as always. Great consultants and great presentations. Always enjoy the turnout of consultants at the dinner and networking reception - something you don't get at other conferences.
Winston-Salem Business Inc., North Carolina

Overall, it was a very good event. As always, hotel selection was excellent - great accommodations, food, customer service, agenda and speakers were excellent.
East Central Indiana Regional Partnership

Really great meeting and I appreciate all the hard work. Well facilitated. Liked the pace and felt like I learned a lot and had a lot of time to network.
Greater Louisville Inc., Kentucky

Since this was the first forum I had the pleasure to attend, I was pleasantly pleased with the access and the information that was presented. My time was well spent.
MetroHartford Alliance, Connecticut

The two speakers on workforce were a great addition to the Forum. I liked having both roundtables on Tuesday as it allows all participants to make both.
Prince William County Economic Development, Virginia

This is one of the best conferences I've been to! The content was great, location was great, and the length of time for the whole thing was perfect. Also loved the steakhouse. No complaints.
Arkansas Economic Development Commission

This was my first time attending and I found it very productive. The agenda was well organized and speakers quite informative. I will attend again.

Laredo Economic Development Corporation, Texas

RFP Workshop Atlanta April 2018

I would put this RFP Academy Workshop at the top of the list when it comes to consultant conferences. Well done! This was a very beneficial Workshop. Getting to sit down and actually have a discussion on live topics and issues was a much better experience vs. the typical consultant get together.
Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development

Very good! Liked that it was a small group of attendees so that we could have dedicated time with each consultant. At first, I was a little hesitant about the RFI, but the work prior to the class gave our conversations subjects for criticism and best practices.
Alabama Department of Commerce

This RFP Workshop completely changes my approach to preparing a response. It was very beneficial for me to hear what the consultants require, how they were interpreting the data and what they are looking for.
West Virginia Development Office

Overall the whole experience was awesome, and I plan on utilizing all the information for future RFPs. Being new to the ED world, the Workshop helped me further understand the process of evaluating an RFP and the construction of my response. I received a lot of good advice during my one on one. The Workshop was also great for networking.
I really enjoyed this RFP Workshop.
South Carolina Department of Commerce

This RFP Academy Workshop is the event every economic development professional should sign up for, regardless of how well you think you know the process! It is well-worth the investment of time and resources! This was undoubtedly one of the best practical learning experiences I've ever attended!
Delaware Division of Small Business, Development, and Tourism

Overall, a great experience! All the speakers and topics presented relevant information that I found helpful and will be able to apply when completing RFPs/RFIs. The small group setting made for a better learning experience as well.
Aiken-Edgefield-Saluda Economic Development Partnership, South Carolina

Probably the most impactful and applicable economic development Workshop I have been to. This was highly important procedural information that can be implemented immediately as provided by performing site selectors that we have either worked with or will have the opportunity to work with in the future. The consultants were engaging, genuine and very forthright with information. Presentations were so thorough I really didn't have any questions after and the roundtable sessions were the perfect wrap-up.
Flagler Department of Economic Opportunity, Florida

This was one of the better events that I have attended as an economic development professional. I was able to learn about key aspects I should focus on to improve my RFI/RFP. The small size also allowed for wonderful networking time with the consultants. I attended a large Site Selectors event right before this and can say that I got more out of this Workshop than that event. Nice work!
Seguin Economic Development Corporation

Excellent! Probably the best conference/workshop I've attended within this profession. The small class size plus the consultants who attended made this a great experience. I learned a lot and have many takeaways from the program that I hope to utilize in my profession. If offered again, I will make plans to attend and will NOT tell my peers as this is too good to share with those that didn't come!
Development Authority for the City of Milledgeville & Baldwin County, Georgia

Very much worth the money! The Workshop was very informative and specifically tailored to the needs of the audience. Having the attendees submit a mock RFP response revealed the areas where we specifically needed help. This made everything presented, very relevant. I also appreciated having a generous amount of small group and one-on-one time with consultants to ask questions. Overall, this was a very valuable experience.
Charleston County Economic Development, South Carolina

E-Commerce Workshop Nashville March 2018

This was one of the best workshops I've attended. I came back with very workable data, and that is worth everything!
Carolinas Gateway Partnership, North Carolina

This was my first time attending the Consultants Forum Workshop. I felt the networking sessions and presentations were top notch. I was able to make great connections and glean information that will be very beneficial in making short and long-term decisions for the City of Highland. I look forward to the possibility of attending the Consultants Forum Workshop in the future!
City of Highland, Illinois

This forum provided some great insight on the E-Commerce industry and provided a chance to speak with consultants working these types of projects every day.

City of Valparaiso, Indiana

The event was great. This was my first Consultants Forum I have attended and was blown away by the professionalism, organization and the speakers by the event. I have already recommended that our office attend more of the events in the future.
Fresno County Economic Development Corporation, California

You all put together a great program at a great venue in a convenient-to-travel-to city. Some great take-aways and some great professional acquaintances made. Excellent job Area Development!
JAXUSA Partnership, Florida

I enjoy these workshops because there is a lot of information in a relatively brief period. I appreciate "intense" learning!
One Southern Indiana

Canadian FDI Forum Qu�bec City 2017


I thoroughly enjoyed the conference and would recommend it to other colleagues who are progressive in their efforts to grow their portfolios.
Portage Regional Economic Development, Manitoba

Venue was exceptional, networking opportunities were good and a positive outcome. The roundtables are a good opportunity for Economic Development colleagues to discuss more specific issues and those relevant to smaller or not Ontario based regions. I would attend again.
City of Morden, Manitoba

Great location. Good content and perfect number of participants.
Global NY Empire State Development

Loved this forum! I thought it provided very good value, the sessions were overall quite informative, and the networking opportunities were good. Overall though, I really enjoyed it.

Sturgeon County Economic Development, Alberta

Overall, I found the forum to be both informative and an excellent opportunity for networking. With the smaller number of delegates, the ability to interact was positive.
Ontario East Economic Development Commission

It was a very interesting forum. It was great to have had the opportunity to exchange with other economic developers outside of my province. We don't often have this opportunity.
IDE Saint-Eustache, Qu�bec

Consultants Forum 23 New Orleans

Our folks always find the networking and content to be strong at the Area Development Consultants Forum events, and we look forward to continuing to partner with you all to support future Forums.
Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina

Thank you for sending us the (PPT) presentations, which are always valuable! We are glad to support Area Development and look forward to continuing doing so.
Arkansas Economic Development Commission

The forum was very informative as always. I appreciate the time I get with consultants.
Entergy Mississippi

I found the forum educational and of value.
City of Leander, Texas

Overall, the Forum was well put together with a great line-up of speakers and pertinent current information.
Business Development Board of Martin County, Florida

I have always found value and enjoyed the events you host!! Well done!
Harvey County Economic Development Council, Kansas

I thought the speakers had relevant information, and were very easy to talk too.
Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission, Mississippi

Lots of great information.
Coweta County Development Authority, Georgia

This was my first forum and I found it very informative and educational.
Liberty Utilities, Georgia

Very positive and a lot of great information shared. The roundtables were really insightful and transparent information shared.
Entergy Louisiana

The Consultants Forum New Orleans was the best economic development conference I have attended. The speakers were informative and engaging, the content was timely and relevant, and the agenda was the ideal time frame (1.5 days). I look forward to attending future events and recommending that other colleagues attend.
St. Tammany Economic Development Foundation, Louisiana

The caliber of speakers and topics was excellent! The Pelican Club dinner was fantastic. The first night dinner would have been enjoyable at another New Orleans restaurant versus the hotel. The Ritz was a great hotel and venue. Thanks again!
Charleston County Economic Development, South Carolina

Overall the conference was very positive. I attended the conference in Philadelphia two years ago, so this is my second.
City Valparaiso, Indiana

Excellent forum; only 2nd time attendee but a level above St. Louis last year. Thank you!
Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina

I had a very positive experience. This was my first Area Development conference, and I have recommended to my team that we continue attending.
REDI Cincinnati, Ohio

I love Area Development Consultants Forums. I find them professionally and personally valuable. It is a great opportunity to hone my professional skills; network with consultants; and, share experiences and learn from other economic development professionals. Please know, if I didn't have an animal science venture forum on September 26, I'd register for the Women in ED forum!
Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development

Overall, it was a positive experience. Good speakers, relevant content and exceptional networking!
Georgia Department of Economic Development

Very positive.
Charleston Area Alliance, West Virginia

This was my first Forum event. Very enjoyable. Some speakers were more in line with what we will be doing, but just about all of them was interesting. Great access to speakers and really enjoyable social time.
St. Petersburg Area EDC, Florida

Great speakers, learned a lot about the energy industry as well as the impact on trade between US and other governments.
Port of South Louisiana

This was my first forum. It was very well executed and the information was both informative and enlightening. I am recommending that others in my organization attend.
Charleston County Economic Development, South Carolina

Thomasville Payroll Development Authority, Georgia

Great speakers and great venue. I'd like to get a list of attendees a week out as that is an important part of the networking that occurs.
Prince William County Economic Development, Virginia

It was an excellent conference!
Middle Michigan Development Corporation

Another excellent (actually even better) Area Development Consultants Forum conference.
Nevada Governor's Office of Economic Development

Overall, I thought the forum was great. I was one of the ones affected by the round table mix-up on Wednesday, but other than that, I had a great time and felt it was time well spent.
Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, Texas

Great diversity of consultants. Enjoyed the location and look forward to December's conference in Florida.
Arkansas Economic Development Commission

I found the forum to be very topical and well worth the cost of attending.
Entergy New Orleans

Positive and informative.
NASA's Michoud Assembly Facility, Louisiana

Another very good event.
Greater Columbus Indiana EDC

Very informative. Felt as though I now have an up-to-date handle on the Economic Development world.
Mankato Growth Inc., Minnesota

Overall very positive.
Greater New Orleans, Inc.

As always, great and informative forum!
NV Energy

The Canada FDI Forum Toronto

Excellent Forum. I look forward to attending the next one in Qu�bec and sharing the value of this event with my colleagues in Alberta.
City of Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta

It was excellent - I look forward to more of your events of this nature within Canada!

County of Brant, Ontario

Great Forum! Of the sessions I was able to attend all were very informative. Great networking opportunity with site selectors.

Brampton Economic Development Office, Ontario

It was well done and I really appreciate an event talking place in Canada.
Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership, Ontario

Wonderful group of speakers and information was great.
City of Niagara Falls, Ontario

Very happy that I attended and will recommend further participation in the future! Very clear that great effort was made to bring relevant information, useful tips and practical insights to the audience.
County of Simcoe, Ontario

With regrets, I was unable to attend Monday because of urgent City business. Tuesday was productive.
Brampton Economic Development Office, Ontario

This was my first time at one of these forums and I can assure that I will definitely attend in the future. Being a sponsor gave us great visibility with the site selectors so it was great value for our money!
City of Woodstock, Ontario

I was attending my first Area Development/site selection program. I found it most interesting and educational (even though I'm not a Canadian EDO). The information shared was very useful.
Georgia USA

Looking forward to the next one!
Innovation Economic Development Trois-Rivieres, Qu�bec

Very well organized and content rich event.
Moncton Industrial Development Ltd., New Brunswick

Let's make another success in Qu�bec City in 2017.
Qu�bec International

A very good program.
Niagara Region Economic Development, Ontario

Excellent forum, lots of great take-always. Will definitely be attending the next one.
City of Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta
Consultants Forum Workshop Dallas Texas
Consultants Forum Workshop – Dallas Slideshow
All the speakers did a very good job. I appreciated their candor and insight into their processes. I would gladly participate in future sessions with them.
Greater Waco Chamber, TX

Loved the format! One of the best events I've attended.
Kilgore EDC, TX

Speakers were all experts in their own fields, hard to say if one was better than the other.
Great opportunity to meet in a small group environment - there was good interaction from the audience with each speaker which kept the sessions meaningful. The amphitheatre setting was great!

Greater Conroe EDC, TX

I liked the 2 person team presentation approach. It gave the opportunity for both presenters to offer something unique in their experience working with clients.
Tulare County Economic Development Corp, CA

Speakers are each experts with common skills/experience, but each also offered a slightly different specialty which worked really well with excellent agenda topics. Their personal relationship with each other also made the event fun. All the agenda topics were well thought out and in the right order.
This was a great event.

Lake County Partners, IL

All (presenters) stood out, all were very good and knew their subject content well.
One of the best events I've attended. I liked the 'interactive' approach!
Great panel discussion ... lot of synergies!

Frisco EDC,TX

I enjoyed and thought all of the information was a great asset to hear.

Burleson Economic Development Corporation,TX

All of the speakers were great. I loved the format and the free flow of information. The smaller group was great as the speakers were more at ease and went deeper into the topics.
Overland Park Economic Development Council, KS

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