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Queen Wood Products Expands Ulmer, South Carolina, Plant Capacity

Queen Wood Products, a business that specializes in providing wood shavings for barn stalls and subsidiary of Queen Horse Bedding, plans to expand operations in Ulmer, South Carolina. The more than $6 million investment will create 19 new jobs in Allendale County.

According to state officials, Queen Wood Products’ new location will increase the company’s capacity to meet growing demand. The expansion is expected to be completed by the end of 2021.

“Queen Wood Products is excited to announce its expansion to the old Mohawk Carpet facility in Ulmer, S.C. The move to Ulmer is just minutes down the road from our original location in Allendale, where we have enjoyed doing business since 1998. We will be spending over $6 million and the expansion will allow for 19 additional jobs. We are hoping to be up and running in Ulmer with the first phase in September and should have the next phase in operation by the end of 2021,” Queen Wood Products Owner Skip Queen said.

The Coordinating Council for Economic Development has approved a $250,000 Rural Infrastructure Fund grant to Allendale County to assist with costs related to the project.

“Queen Wood Products’ decision to expand in Allendale County is a testament to our state’s world-class workforce and strong business environment. We congratulate them on this $6 million investment and the addition of 19 new jobs and look forward to seeing them continue to succeed in our state for years to come,” Governor Henry McMaster said.

“SouthernCarolina Alliance salutes Queen Wood Products, a great renewable resource industry that has flourished in Allendale County. We are proud of Queen Wood Products' success, which is a great American success story built on ingenuity and determination combined with the hard work of local employees and resources. SCA congratulates Skip Queen and will continue to assist him in growing his operations in our region,” said SouthernCarolina Alliance Chairman Marty Sauls.

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