POPULATION: 2,800,967
LABOR FORCE: 1,372,996
TRADITIONAL INDUSTRIES:Mining, tourism and gaming, agriculture
EXPANDING INDUSTRIES: Aerospace defense; business IT ecosystems; clean energy;
health and medical services; logistics and operations; mining, materials, and manufacturing;
tourism, entertainment, and gaming
COLLEGE GRADUATES: (Age 25 and over) 30.7% (2013 ACS)
Corporate Income Tax: None
Business License Fee: $200 annually
Gross Payroll Tax: 0-1.17 percent with deductibility of employer-paid health insurance premiums; financial institutions are taxed at 2 percent.
As of July 1, 2013 the quarterly sum of all taxable wages over $85,000, minus health care deductions, times 1.17%. If an employer has less than $85,000 of taxable wages in the quarter, it still must file a return with $0 balance due. The 0% rate on Tier 1 of the MBT has been extended to June 30, 2015.
Sales and Use Tax: 6.85 percent on retail sales plus local add-ons
Property Tax: Levied at 35 percent of the property's full cash value
Sales tax deferral and abatement
Intellectual property development
Modified business tax abatement
Personal property tax abatement
Train Employees Now
Industrial Development Revenue Bonds
Private activity bond financing
Publicly registered securities offerings
Captive Insurance Program
Millennium Scholarship Program
Sources: U.S. Census, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Nevada State Demographer, Nevada Department of Taxation, Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development