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Asbury Graphite of North Carolina Expands Lumberton, North Carolina, Plant Operations

Asbury Graphite of North Carolina, a company that provides engineered solutions based on graphite and carbons, will expand its operation in Lumberton, North Carolina. The $16.9 million project is expected to create 22 jobs.

The investment will include a new quality assurance lab, renovation for shipping and maintenance offices, and added employee amenities of showers, locker area, and restrooms. The company will also repurpose and upgrade two large warehouses for the production of Edge Functionalized Graphene, an environmentally friendly advanced material.

“This investment is a significant achievement for the Lumberton plant,” said Travis Toth, Plant Manager for Asbury Graphite of North Carolina “We’re excited to produce this next-generation material here in North Carolina.”

As an incentive, a performance-based grant of $65,000 from the One North Carolina Fund will help the expansion. The One NC Fund provides financial assistance to local governments to help attract economic investment and to create jobs. Companies receive no money upfront and must meet job creation and capital investment targets to qualify for payment. All One NC grants require matching participation from local governments and any award is contingent upon that condition being met.

“We’re delighted to have Asbury Graphite increase their investment in rural North Carolina,” added N.C. Commerce Secretary Machelle Baker Sanders. “Our economic development strategy is a commitment to providing a diverse talent pipeline for growing companies across all industries.”

Asbury Graphite of North Carolina serves the automotive, steel, and other industries with carbon products, including graphene, for various applications.

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