POPULATION: 576,412 (2012 Census estimate)
LABOR FORCE: 316,155 (2013)
TRADITIONAL INDUSTRIES: Mining, tourism, transportation, agriculture
EXPANDING INDUSTRIES: Renewable energy, natural resources and mining, construction, wholesale trade, transportation, warehousing, utilities, data and information
COLLEGE GRADUATES: (Age 25 and over) 23.6%
Corporate Tax: No state income tax; no inventory tax; no franchise tax; no gross sales tax
Sales and Use Tax: 4 percent statewide retail sales tax; an additional 3 percent may be added on the local level.
Property Tax: Creates a tax system that provides a level system for all types of business. Based on a de-facto assessment classification, commercial and other real and personal property is assessed at 9.5 percent of market value; industrial plants assessed at 11.5 percent of current value. Mill levy rates vary among local jurisdictions but average 70 mills.
Business Ready Communities Grant and Loan Program
Work force training grants
Wyoming Partnership Challenge Loan Program
Industrial Development Revenue Bonds
Sales tax exemption for data center equipment
Sales tax exemption on manufacturing exemption
Sales tax exemption on electricity used in manufacturing
Data Center Cost Reduction Grant Program
WyoRECs Renewable Energy Credits Discount Program
Wyoming Small Business Investment Credit Program