A Letter from Aaron Brickman, Deputy Executive Director, SelectUSA
Location USA / April 2013
The United States has a longstanding policy of welcoming foreign investment and understands how it contributes to economic growth and job creation. At SelectUSA we work with firms and U.S. economic development organizations to promote business investment into the United States. SelectUSA offers a single point of contact for information about the U.S. business climate, connects firms with industry-, state- and regional-level contacts, and serves as an ombudsman for investors by working across the federal government to address regulatory concerns and questions.
SelectUSA is housed in the U.S. Department of Commerce as part of the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service. Your local Commercial Service representatives throughout the United States and across more than 70 worldwide markets stand ready to assist you with your investment and trade needs. To learn more, visit www.SelectUSA.gov.
I commend the efforts of Area Development and offer my congratulations for another successful annual edition of LocationUSA. This publication has been a valuable resource for the economic development community, and I look forward to continuing our work together.
Aaron Brickman
Deputy Executive Director, SelectUSA
U.S. Department of Commerce