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Jun/Jul 08
Workforce Training / Education >>

Where Has All My Labor Gone?

Darin Buelow, Brad Lindquist, and Ai Li Ang , Global Expansion Optimization, Deloitte (Jun/Jul 08)
Where Has All My Labor Gone?
Changing demographics are likely to alter corporate location and growth strategies as well as the policy decisions of economic development organizations More
Asset / Facility Management >>

Get Great Workers - Green Your Building

Jay Coalson, LEED AP; President, Green Building Services, Inc.  (Jun/Jul 08)
By creating sustainable work environments, companies can position themselves to attract and keep high-caliber talent. More
Asset / Facility Management >>

Getting the Building You Paid For

Michael Della Barba (Jun/Jul 08)
Your new building may have problems that won't become obvious until it's too late to fix them. Clearly defined deliverables and construction oversight can minimize the risk of unpleasant surprises. More
Plastics >>

Plastics: The Bioresin Revolution

Clare Goldsberry , Staff Editor, Area Development (Jun/Jul 08)
There are many ways that plastics can offer true "green" alternatives in a variety of applications. And the industry is working overtime to keep the products coming. More
Aerospace >>

Aerospace: Soaring to New Heights

John Bell (Jun/Jul 08)
Record-breaking sales and a trend toward globalization are lifting the aerospace industry above the unstable economic environment. More
Corporate & Consultants Surveys
Corporate Survey Results: Site Selection Factors >>

Finding the Real Cost of Labor

Dr. C. R. (Buzz) Canup, President, Canup & Associates, Inc.  (Jun/Jul 08)
The executives responding to Area Development's 2007 Corporate Survey ranked cost of labor second in importance among the site selection factors, but determining a region's true wage rates is not always at easy task. More
Corporate Survey Results: Site Selection Factors >>

Is "Right-to-Work" Relevant When Considering Relocation and Expansion Projects?

Dave Claborn , Staff Editor, Area Development; Director of Development and Community Relations, Ohio State University, Marion (Jun/Jul 08)
Declining levels of unionization may have been responsible for the right-to work factor receiving a middling ranking from the respondents to Area Development's 2007 Corporate Survey. More
Annual Reports >>

2008 Gold & Silver Shovel Awards

Mark Crawford, Staff Editor, Area Development (Jun/Jul 08)
Gold & Silver Shovel Winners' Top 10 Projects
Area Development's annual Gold and Silver Shovel awards honor states that have generated top job-creation and investment projects across the nation. These states are highly active in business development, from conducting foreign trade missions to crafting innovative incentive packages and work-force development programs - all of which attract new companies, stimulate investment, create jobs, and strengthen tax bases. More
International Location Reports >>

Malaysia: a Profit Center for Global Manufacturers

Jennifer LeClaire  (Jun/Jul 08)
Although Malaysia might have slipped under the radar for some site selectors, it has all the right ingredients to make it a global economic powerhouse in the years to come. More
International Location Reports >>

Ontario-Looking Forward

Steve Kaelble, Staff Editor, Area Development (Jun/Jul 08)
For years, there has been a struggle in the United States between forces that view environmental protection as a costly liability, and those who see environmentalism as a business opportunity. In Ontario, the prevailing view is that green is the way of the future, and the welcome mat has been rolled out for companies ready to profit and create jobs related to environmentalism and other forward-thinking technologies. More
International Location Reports >>

The Changing Face of Atlantic Canada

Alec Bruce (Jun/Jul 08)
Atlantic Canada - comprised of the provinces of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Nova Scotia - is home to fewer than three million people. Still, this innovative region at the most easterly fringe of North America continues to prove that, when it comes to economic opportunity, size does not matter. More
Economics/ Government Policy >>

Editor's Note: Regrouping During the Downturn

Geraldine Gambale, Editor, Area Development Magazine (Jun/Jul 08)
Remarkably, the economy is still growing - albeit by an anemic 0.9 percent in the first quarter of 2008, as reported by the Commerce Department in late May. This growth in GDP comes in spite of the nation's housing, credit, and financial woes. More
Viewpoint >>

First Person: Michael Manos.General Manager of Data Center Services.Microsoft

Michael Manos, General Manager of Data Center Services, Microsoft  (Jun/Jul 08)
Michael Manos, General Manager of Data Center Services at Microsoft, talks about the company's facility requirements and how and why San Antonio was recently chosen for a new data center. More
Viewpoint >>

In Focus: Proactive Security Planning Avoids Fire-Fighting

Jeff Smith, CPP, CDT Security Systems Project Manager, TEECOM Design Group  (Jun/Jul 08)
Jeff Smith, CPP, CDT, Security Systems Project Manager at TEECOM Design Group, says that if security execs want to evolve with their management teams, they must learn proactive planning techniques to avoid reactionary behavior - or "fire-fighting." More

Exclusive Research