Paperworks Invests $1.6 Million In Alexandria, Louisiana, Manufacturing Facility
The company said the project will support the Pineville, Louisiana, operations of PaperWorks’ largest customer, Procter & Gamble. The firm will lease 116,000 square feet of manufacturing space at the McKesson Building, located at 2800 South MacArthur Drive in Alexandria. There, PaperWorks will fold and glue paperboard carton components for Procter & Gamble, providing packaging for the company’s dry laundry powder division.
Renovation of the manufacturing facility will take place in two phases. PaperWorks expects to complete the first phase, which will enable the shipping and receiving of supplies, in mid-December. The facility will begin receiving shipments by mid-January 2014. The second phase will include the installation of folding and gluing production lines and will be completed in February 2014. Full operations will begin soon after, and hiring of the 43 direct jobs will be completed by mid-March 2014.
Gov. Bobby Jindal said, “The relocation of PaperWorks’ carton-finishing operations from New York to our state is a testament to the strength of Louisiana’s thriving business climate. Our world-class infrastructure and talented workforce are creating an environment that allows companies like PaperWorks Industries to invest, grow and create great jobs for Louisianians. The close proximity to P&G, a major PaperWorks client, will create great new collaboration opportunities for the company, and we’re proud that PaperWorks is beginning a new chapter here in Louisiana.”
“PaperWorks selected the Alexandria location in order to be in close proximity with the Procter & Gamble manufacturing site in Pineville, further enhancing our decades-long relationship,” said Executive Vice President Joe Moynihan, who oversees the PaperWorks Packaging Group. “The pre-printed carton blanks will be folded and glued on two high-speed finishing lines and delivered in a just-in-time manner to meet P&G’s production demands. The tremendous support that we have received from both the state and local economic development communities has only served to reinforce our decision. We are anxious to tap into Alexandria’s abundant resources and become part of the local fabric.”
To secure the project, Louisiana offered the company a competitive incentive package that includes a $125,000 award from the state’s Economic Development Award Program, as well as the services of LED FastStart – the state’s workforce training program. PaperWorks Industries also is expected to utilize the state’s Quality Jobs and Industrial Tax Exemption programs.
“PaperWorks is a fine addition to the Central Louisiana business landscape,” said President and CEO Jim Clinton of the Central Louisiana Economic Development Alliance. “Its decision to locate here underscores the continuing and growing importance of Procter & Gamble in our business community. I particularly want to thank the City of Alexandria and the Greater Alexandria Economic Development Authority for their timely, substantive support in bringing PaperWorks to the region.”
In addition to the state incentives, the Greater Alexandria Economic Development Authority will provide PaperWorks with a performance-based grant in the amount of $150,000. The grant will be distributed in three annual payments of $50,000, subject to PaperWorks meeting specific employment and salary levels.
“The Greater Alexandria Economic Development Authority is pleased to partner with the City of Alexandria, the State of Louisiana and CLEDA in the creation of over 40 great jobs for our citizens,” said GAEDA Board Chairman James Woodley. “GAEDA is proud to have played a role in attracting a well-respected company like PaperWorks to our region."
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