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Q4 2023
Cover Story
Leading Metro Locations >>

2023's Leading Metro Locations: Hotspots of Economic Growth

Area Development Research Desk (Q4 2023)
The leading metro areas are those poised for long-term growth and are often hubs of high-tech industry, where workers may benefit from an affordable cost of living. More
Site Selection Factors / Strategy >>

A Message to CREs: What’s Old Is New Again

Katie Culp, CEO, KSM Location Advisors (Q4 2023)
It seems that face-to-face meetings with community leaders and anecdotal research about a prospective location are back in style again as companies make location decisions. More
Logistics / Infrastructure >>

The Logistics Analysis That Drives Industrial Site Selection

Joe Dunlap, Managing Director, Supply Chain Advisory, CBRE (Q4 2023)
Finding the optimal site for a logistics facility often involves trade-offs between transportation, labor, and real estate costs, which may be lowered by incentives offered, as well as the need for speed to market. More
Logistics / Infrastructure >>

AI 101 for Site Selection

Mark Crawford, Staff Editor, Area Development (Q4 2023)
A data-driven approach, enabled by AI and other technology, is enabling those charged with site selection to make better informed decisions that will allow their companies to thrive. More
Food Processing >>

Future-Proofing Food & Beverage Facilities: Why Site Selection Matters

Brian Miller, Executive Vice President - Industrial, Gresham Smith (Q4 2023)
Access, utilities, workforce, regulatory issues and future-proofing are all key considerations for choosing the right location for a long-term investment. More
Logistics / Infrastructure >>

Clustering Distribution Near Manufacturing Operations: An Old Idea Gaining New Traction

Bruce Herbert, Strategic Advisor, TMX Transform (Q4 2023)
Real estate, labor, and transportation needs must be considered by companies considering a clustering strategy if they are to reap its full benefits. More
Food Processing >>

Three Key Location Factors for F&B Industrial Users to Consider

Bob West, Vice President of Food & Beverage, Industrial, Ryan Companies (Q4 2023)
Workforce skills and availability, the need for speed to market, and the condition of existing infrastructure are all key factors in food and beverage companies’ location decisions. More
Viewpoint >>

Editor’s Note: The Worker Shortage - A New Reality

Geraldine Gambale, Editor, Area Development Magazine (Q4 2023)
With a worker shortage that seems destined to persist, employers are turning to AI/automation and upskilling, while also realizing that comprehensive immigration reform is necessary to fill gaps in the labor force. More
Energy / Clean Tech >>

In Focus: Working Toward Zero-Emission Buildings Ahead of Regulatory Mandates

Britt Willows, Portfolio Leader, Johnson Controls (Q4 2023)
All stakeholders working in unison will benefit the environment while also resulting in positive business outcomes. More
Business Globalization >>

Made in the USA: Shoring Up Options for U.S. Manufacturing’s Resurgence

Jason Price, Senior Director of Research for U.S. Industrial Sector, Cushman & Wakefield (Q4 2023)
With the right planning, investors and occupiers have a unique opportunity to reshape the future of the U.S. and Americas-wide manufacturing sector. More
Data Centers >>

In Focus: AI’s Influence on Data Center Growth

Andy Cvengros, Managing Director, Brokerage, JLL (Q4 2023)
The use of AI is driving a surge in demand for computing power and the development of more data centers, which, in turn, have an increasing need for reliable power and water. More
Construction / Project Planning >>

Front Line: Brownfields Offer Redevelopment Opportunities

Karen Thuermer, Staff Editor, Area Development (Q4 2023)
Found in both urban and rural areas and often with infrastructure in place, brownfield sites can be revitalized and reused with the proper remediation plan in place. More
Sustainable Development >>

Front Line: Electrification of Industrial Processes

Dan Emerson, Staff Editor, Area Development (Q4 2023)
Reducing the use of fossil fuels in industrial processes will help cut costs while reducing GHG emissions. More
Biotech / Life Sciences >>

First Person: How to Identify and Build a Robust Community Ecosystem to Attract New Businesses

Michael Flynn, Senior Director, Economic Development, Destination Medical Center (DMC) (Q4 2023)
Creating an exceptional business environment to attract certain industries can be a daunting task for any community’s leaders. However, it can be done with focused introspection, research, and strong partnerships. Area Development’s staff editor Lisa Bastian asked Michael Flynn, senior director of Economic Development at Destination Medical Center (Rochester, MN), for his ideas on ecosystem formation. More
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