The Midland Development Corporation can provide active business support and economic incentives for diversified companies that establish and retain jobs in the area. Texas’ regulatory environment makes the available sites at the Midland Spaceport Business Park a prime setting for office space, R&D, and manufacturing. These collective benefits are attracting a growing cluster of innovative aerospace companies and a strong labor market of engineers and technical workers with transferrable skills.
Midland, Texas’ Educational Institutions Ensure a World-Class Aerospace Workforce
Higher education institutions in Midland support and serve the area’s workforce that is robust with career engineers and technical minds.
2016 Auto/Aero Site Guide
The Midland Development Corporation can provide active business support and economic incentives for diversified companies that establish and retain jobs in the area. Texas’ regulatory environment makes the available sites at the Midland Spaceport Business Park a prime setting for office space, R&D, and manufacturing. These collective benefits are attracting a growing cluster of innovative aerospace companies and a strong labor market of engineers and technical workers with transferrable skills.