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Germany-Based Leiber Plans Rockingham County, Virginia, Manufacturing Operations

Germany-based Leiber, a manufacturer that processes brewers’ yeast into animal nutrition, biotechnology, and nutraceutical products, plans to establish its first U.S. operation in Rockingham County, Virginia. The $20 million project is expected to create 35 jobs.

The new manufacturing facility will be located in Innovation Village.

“We evaluated various sites in five different states in the Northeast U.S. and found in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia a perfect mix of qualified workforce, proximity to customers and vendors, as well as strong and professional support from VEDP and Rockingham County,” said Christian Stork-Bohmann, Director Corporate Development at Leiber GmbH, Germany.

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) worked with Rockingham County and the Shenandoah Valley Partnership to secure the project and will support Leiber’s job creation through the Virginia Jobs Investment Program (VJIP), which provides consultative services and funding to companies creating new jobs in order to support employee recruitment and training activities. As a business incentive supporting economic development, VJIP reduces the human resource costs of new and expanding companies. VJIP is state-funded, demonstrating Virginia’s commitment to enhancing job opportunities for citizens.

“Leiber is a strong addition to Virginia’s fast-growing food and beverage manufacturing sector, joining a diverse ecosystem of partners and suppliers,” noted Secretary of Commerce and Trade Caren Merrick. “The Commonwealth’s workforce, infrastructure, and best-in-class business climate distinguish Virginia as a top tier location for global manufacturers to reach new markets, and we look forward to Leiber’s future growth in Rockingham County.”

Leiber refines brewers’ yeast to produce innovative products for humans and animals. The company carries out research in its own laboratories and develops tailor-made product solutions for healthy nutrition, biotechnology, and agricultural applications. Leiber operates five production sites in three countries.

“It has been a pleasure for the Shenandoah Valley Partnership to work with Leiber and Rockingham County in bringing their project to fruition,” added Jay A. Langston, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Shenandoah Valley Partnership. “Leiber’s announcement for their new feed supplement production facility strengthens Rockingham’s and Shenandoah Valley’s agricultural business environment through its international presence and its use of existing food and beverage producers.”

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