The rankings have shown that the leaders in economic development pre-pandemic have not changed during the pandemic or even in what I should say is the new normal. The fraternity of Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Ohio, and Indiana have sustained and battled through the black swan event. However, the one member that is on the list now three years in a row is Virginia. Virginia moved up the rankings by developing a statewide strategy that met the market’s needs.
So how does a state move up on the list? They start by listening to the market and understanding what companies are looking for in a location. If you look at all the states that have continuously been in the top for the past five years, they have spent a considerable amount of time and effort listening to the market. Economic development is no longer just recruiting and retaining companies. It is about being forward-looking to not only develop and grow the economy of the now, but to have a plan that responds to the economy of the future.
For these states to continue or for new leaders to emerge, they need to understand what is needed. What do companies need, what do residents of the state need, and how can a particular state stand out? The first thing to remember is that economic development is a team sport! The states that win play hard as a team! However, the one thing all these states in the top 10 have in common is that they listen and find a way to get to yes and try to avoid saying no.
- 1. Georgia
- 2. Tennessee
- 3. South Carolina
- 4. Texas
- 5. North Carolina
- 6. Alabama
- 7. Virginia
- 8. Ohio
- 9. Indiana
- 10. Mississippi
- 11. Florida
- 12. Louisiana
- 13. Arizona
- 14. Michigan
- 15. New York
- 16T. California
- 16T. Illinois
- 18. Kentucky
- 19T. Oklahoma
- 19T. Utah
Individual Categories
Workforce Development Programs
- 1. Georgia
- 2. Virginia
- 3. South Carolina
- 4T. Alabama
- 4T. Louisiana
- 6. Tennessee
- 7. North Carolina
- 8T. Arizona
- 8T. Michigan
- 8T. Texas
Overall Cost of Doing Business
- 1. Georgia
- 2. Tennessee
- 3. South Carolina
- 4. Alabama
- 5. North Carolina
- 6. Texas
- 7T. Indiana
- 7T. Mississippi
- 9T. Arizona
- 9T. Florida
- 9T. Ohio
Site-Readiness Programs
- 1. Tennessee
- 2. Georgia
- 3. South Carolina
- 4T. North Carolina
- 4T. Ohio
- 6. Virginia
- 7T. Indiana
- 7T. Texas
- 9. New York
- 10. Alabama
Cooperative & Responsive State Government
- 1. Georgia
- 2T. North Carolina
- 2T. Tennessee
- 4. South Carolina
- 5. Ohio
- 6. Virginia
- 7. Louisiana
- 8T. Alabama
- 8T. Arizona
- 8T. Arkansas
- 8T. Michigan
- 8T. Mississippi
- 8T. Texas
Favorable Regulatory Environment
- 1. South Carolina
- 2. Georgia
- 3T. Alabama
- 3T. Tennessee
- 5. North Carolina
- 6. Indiana
- 7. Texas
- 8. Florida
- 9T. Arizona
- 9T. Virginia
- 10T. Louisiana
- 10T. Mississippi
Corporate Tax Structure
- 1. Texas
- 2. Tennessee
- 3. Florida
- 4. North Carolina
- 5. Nevada
- 6T. Georgia
- 6T. South Dakota
- 8T. Alabama
- 8T. Indiana
- 8T. Utah
Business Incentives Programs
- 1. Georgia
- 2. South Carolina
- 3. Tennessee
- 4. Ohio
- 5. Alabama
- 6. Indiana
- 7. Virginia
- 8T. Mississippi
- 8T. North Carolina
- 10T. Kentucky
- 10T. Louisiana
- 10T. Texas
Competitive Labor Environment
- 1. Georgia
- 2T. Texas
- 2T. Tennessee
- 4. North Carolina
- 5. South Carolina
- 6T. Arizona
- 6T. Michigan
- 8T. Ohio
- 8T. Virginia
- 10. Alabama
Logistics & Infrastructure
- 1. Georgia
- 2. Virginia
- 3T. Ohio
- 3T. Texas
- 5. Indiana
- 6. South Carolina
- 7. Tennessee
- 8. Illinois
- 9. North Carolina
- 10. Florida
Access to Capital & Funding
- 1. California
- 2. Texas
- 3. New York
- 4T. Massachusetts
- 4T. Virginia
- 6. Illinois
- 7. Georgia
- 8T. Michigan
- 8T. North Carolina
- 10T. Colorado
- 10T. Tennessee
Available Real Estate
- 1. Georgia
- 2T. South Carolina
- 2T. Texas
- 4. Tennessee
- 5. Ohio
- 6. North Carolina
- 7T. Alabama
- 7T. Indiana
- 9. Michigan
- 10T. California
- 10T. Florida
- 10T. Illinois
Energy Availability & Costs
- 1T. Georgia
- 1T. Tennessee
- 3T. Alabama
- 3T. North Carolina
- 5. Mississippi
- 6T. Louisiana
- 6T. South Carolina
- 8T. Iowa
- 8T. New York
- 8T. Ohio
- 8T. Oklahoma
- 8T. Texas
- 8T. Washington
Speed of Project Permitting
- 1. Alabama
- 2T. Georgia
- 2T. South Carolina
- 4. Tennessee
- 5T. Mississippi
- 5T. Texas
- 7T. Arizona
- 7T. Indiana
- 7T. Louisiana
- 10. Virginia
- Overall Cost of Doing Business
- Business Incentive Programs
- Access to Capital & Funding
- Competitive Labor Market
- Workforce Development Programs
- Energy Availability & Costs
- Logistics & Infrastructure
- Available Real Estate
- Cooperative & Responsive State Government
- Corporate Tax Structure
- Site-Readiness Programs
- Favorable Regulatory Environment
- Speed of Project Permitting