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Q2 / Spring 2013
Leading Metro Locations >>

Leading Locations for 2013: Ranking MSAs for Economic & Job Growth

Area Development Special Presentation (Q2 / Spring 2013)
Recovery is always easiest with a diversified economic base, a trait that almost all of the top-ranked Leading Locations share. More
Annual Econdev Awards >>

2013 Gold Shovel Awards: Recognizing Excellence in U.S. State Economic Development

Area Development Special Presentation (Q2 / Spring 2013)
The 19 states we honor with Gold or Silver Shovels were stars in 2012, landing big projects worth millions or even billions of dollars in investment and creating jobs by the thousands. Growth doesn't just happen - these states have shown that they know how to make it a reality in a still sluggish national economy. More
Asset / Facility Management >>

The Power of 3D: Using BIM for Facility Management

Jim Marchese, Associate, Stantec (Q2 / Spring 2013)
Building owners and facility managers can reap the benefits of using building information modeling (BIM) long after construction is complete. More
Economics/ Government Policy >>

Win-Win Outcomes: Public-Private Teamwork Boosts Manufacturing Competitiveness

Area Development Research Desk (Q2 / Spring 2013)
As the strategic use of public policy intensifies, collaboration between policymakers and business leaders to create win-win outcomes becomes more essential finds WEF/Deloitte report. More
Energy/Sustainable Development >>

Thwarting the Power Threat: Smart Buildings and Grids

Dan Probst, Chairman of Energy and Sustainability Services, Jones Lang LaSalle (Q2 / Spring 2013)
Smart-grid technologies could not only prevent or alleviate outages, but also save companies money while capturing and marketing wasted energy. More
Corporate HQ / Office >>

Game Changer: Taking a Balanced Approach to the Corporate HQ Location Decision

Kathy Mussio, Managing Partner, Atlas Insight (Q2 / Spring 2013)
A rare and disruptive event, headquarters relocation projects have the potential to be positive game-changers for a business but also involve substantial risk. Here, we reveal the reasons, factors and trends affecting such a decision. More
Automotive >>

Market Report: Automotive Assembly and Supplier Manufacturing is on the Upswing in the U.S. and Mexico

Steve Kaelble, Staff Editor, Area Development (Q2 / Spring 2013)
Industry analysts are marveling at the strength of the auto industry and the contrast with its state just a few years ago More
Site Selection >>

How VW Achieved LEED Platinum-Rated Construction

Laura Orlich, Associate, SSOE Group (Q2 / Spring 2013)
Volkswagen of America earned LEED® Platinum certification due in part to recycled and regional materials and construction waste management. More
Data Centers >>

Markets Matter in the Data Center Location Decision

Thomas Traugott, Senior Vice President, Cassidy Turley (Q2 / Spring 2013)
An understanding of the data center marketplace and its supply/demand dynamics will help both site selectors and their attractors move beyond the checklist and find the right fit. More
Economics/ Government Policy >>

Editors Note: States and MSAs Recognized for Their Economic Growth and Job Creation Efforts

Geraldine Gambale, Editor, Area Development Magazine (Q2 / Spring 2013)
April was the fifth consecutive month of manufacturing activity expansion, according to the latest ISM report and, the pace of U.S. economic growth is evident in the 19 states receiving 2013 Shovel Awards from Area Development magazine for their efforts in attracting business investment and creating high value-added jobs last year. More
Plastics >>

First Person: How One Regional Supplier is Investing to Meet the Demands of Reshoring OEM Customers

Noel Ginsburg, CEO & President, Intertech Plastics (Q2 / Spring 2013)
Area Development speaks with Noel Ginsburg, CEO and President of Intertech Plastics, about the reshoring trend, why OEMs are returning to the U.S. to manufacture their goods, and the impact that’s having on his business. More
Site Selection >>

In Focus: Reshaping the Landscape of Commercial Facilities

Kelli Delozier, VP of Real Estate Management, IDI (Q2 / Spring 2013)
You might think landscaping an industrial property is fairly simple — a few shrubs here, a tree or two there. In reality, professional landscaping for Class A buildings is an art and science that requires careful planning, correct installation, and strict maintenance. More
Workforce Training / Education >>

Immigration Reform Would Impact Manufacturers

Lisa Buddecke, Kelsar Industries (Q2 / Spring 2013)
Comprehensive immigration reform is one of the top priorities of the Obama administration. This includes reforms that will keep highly skilled workers in the United States, as well as the creation of a new system to bring skilled workers into the country when Americans aren’t available to fill jobs. More
California >>

Location California: Strong Work Force Fosters Innovation and Growth

Beth Mattson-Teig (Q2 / Spring 2013)
California’s status as a powerful economic engine is unquestionable. Sheer size alone — whether measuring the population, work force, or diverse business base — is enough to land California on the short list for relocation and expansion options. More
Texas >>

Texas Today: Key Economic Drivers Attracting Business to Texas

Mark Crawford, Staff Editor, Area Development (Q2 / Spring 2013)
Texas’ stable business climate, low taxes, outstanding transportation infrastructure, skilled work force, and pro-business environment are helping companies to succeed and create jobs. More
Louisiana >>

The New Orleans' BioDistrict, a Model for Industry Collaboration

Craig Guillot, Staff Editor, Area Development (Q2 / Spring 2013)
Spread over 1,500 acres across downtown New Orleans, BioDistrict New Orleans will be one of the largest developments in the world of biosciences. More
Economics/ Government Policy >>

Will Businesses Feel the Bite of Sequestration?

Beth Mattson-Teig (Q2 / Spring 2013)
Sequestration has provided plenty of fodder for late-night comedians. But the $85 billion in federal budget cuts scheduled to occur this year is no joke to the U.S. economy. More
Site Selection >>

Managing a Successful Temporary Plant Shutdown and Return to Service

Jason Beck, Director of Life Sciences, Evergreen EDC, SSOE Group (Q2 / Spring 2013)
The temporary shutdown of a manufacturing plant for improvements in equipment and processes must be made with the utmost planning and coordination to achieve the desired aims in the most timely, safest, and cost-efficient manner. More
Food Processing >>

Market Report: Innovations in Food Processing Help to Meet Economic Challenges

Mali R. Schantz-Feld (Q2 / Spring 2013)
While food processors are not sugar coating the realities of the evolving economy, they continue to devise ways to make it more palatable. More

Exclusive Research