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Economics/ Government Policy

In Focus: Steel Tariffs to Prevent U.S. Economic Growth

Stephen Gray, President & CEO, Gray, Inc. (Q2 2018)

The recently enacted tariffs on steel and aluminum have created an uncertain investment climate for both domestic and foreign firms, causing companies to rethink their supply chain strategies and put their expansion plans on hold. More

America’s Economic Strength Built on Global Connections

Nancy McLernon, President & CEO, Organization for International Investment (OFII) (Q1 2018)

Considering the fact that global investment from foreign-based companies supports 6.8 million American jobs, U.S. trade policy should not be viewed as an “us vs. them” proposition. More

Corporate Tax Reform to Have Positive, Domino Effect on U.S. Industrial Economy

Stephen Gray, President & CEO, Gray, Inc. (Q2 2017)

While the timing and details of a new corporate tax policy are still uncertain, it will change the business landscape for U.S. companies of all sizes for the better. More

2017 Gold & Silver Shovel Awards Recognize States Compiling Healthy Rosters of New and Expanded Facilities

Geraldine Gambale, Editor, Area Development Magazine and Steve Kaelble, Staff Editor, Area Development (Q2 2017)

The work of economic development is a complicated mix of salesmanship, customer service, technical and legal expertise, communications, relationship-building, and a healthy dose of good fortune. More

13th Annual Consultants Survey: Confidence in U.S. Economy, Concern Over Proposed Trump Policies

Geraldine Gambale, Editor, Area Development Magazine (Q1 2017)

The responding consultants are confident that economic conditions under the Trump administration will be favorable to their clients moving ahead with new facilities plans, but also believe potential penalties for moving offshore will affect those plans. In fact, nearly two thirds believe there will be financial inducements to reshore operations. And 100 percent say finding skilled labor is the number-one priority. More

31st Annual Survey of Corporate Executives Commentary: Political Risk Comes to the United States

Dan Levine, Practice Leader, Location Strategies and Economic Development, Oxford Economics, Inc. (Q1 2017)

International site selection is already changing in response to our new era of presidential tweeting. To last year’s rankings must now be added the challenges presented by major shifts in federal policies and tactics. More

31st Annual Survey of Corporate Executives: Confidence in U.S. Economy, Need for Investment in Infrastructure Reflected

Geraldine Gambale, Editor, Area Development Magazine (Q1 2017)

The Corporate Survey respondents feel confident about the economy under President Trump, but highway accessibility and skilled labor are still their primary concerns. More

Gubernatorial Shift: New Economic Development Policies

David Hickey, Managing Director, Hickey & Associates (Q1 2017)

New governors of eight states reveal their ideas for strengthening their states’ economies and growing their business bases. More

First Person: The American CEOs One Shot at Capturing a Manufacturing Resurgence

Steven L. Blue, CEO, Miller Ingenuity (Q1 2017)

Steven L. Blue is CEO of Miller Ingenuity, an innovative company revolutionizing traditional safety solutions for railway workers, and author of American Manufacturing 2.0: What Went Wrong and How to Make It Right. In this interview he provides insights for the business community on how to be innovative and competitive. More

Navigating Uncharted Waters: 5 Trends Affecting Capital Investment Plans

Josh Bays, Senior Partner, Site Selection Group, LLC (Q1 2017)

A new administration in Washington, escalating wages, and a dwindling supply of industrial real estate are just some of the trends that may cause companies to take a wait-and-see approach to capital investment. More

Editor’s Note: Manufacturing Execs Offer Insights on the Effect of Trump Administration’s Policies on Growth

Geraldine Gambale, Editor, Area Development Magazine (Q1 2017)

75% of C-level manufacturing executives surveyed believe that economic conditions under the new Trump administration will be favorable to moving ahead with new facility or facility expansion plans. More

Industrial Manufacturers’ Optimism Reflected in Expectations of Higher Revenue Growth, Increased Capital Spending

Geraldine Gambale, Editor, Area Development Magazine (Q1 2017)

PwC’s Q4/2016 Manufacturing Barometer reveals increased optimism about the U.S. economy. The senior executives of U.S.-based industrial manufacturing companies surveyed expect revenues to increase, and they are also increasing their capital spending plans. More

Aerospace Industry Costs "Disrupted" by Economic Development Partnerships

Jeff Troan, Managing Director, Vista Site Selection, LLC (2016 Auto/Aero Site Guide )

As competition for aerospace investment and jobs heats up, economic developers are increasingly offering tax relief, infrastructure and financial support, and workforce partnerships. More

What Can Manufacturers Expect From the New Administration?

Doug Woods, President, The Association For Manufacturing Technology (Q2 2016)

Doug Woods, president of the Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT), gives his organization’s take on the current landscape and outlook for America’s manufacturers’. More

2016 Gold & Silver Shovel Awards Recognize States That Have Garnered High-Impact Economic Development Projects

Geraldine Gambale, Editor, Area Development Magazine and Mark Crawford, Staff Editor, Area Development (Q2 2016)

The states receiving this year’s Shovel Awards are being recognized for their large numbers of high-impact economic development projects, including $1 billion+ deals with thousands of new jobs. Six states — California, Ohio, Tennessee, South Carolina, Nevada and Utah — are being awarded Gold Shovels in recognition of projects undertaken in 2015. More

Do Free-Trade Agreements Represent Fair Trade?

Mark Crawford, Staff Editor, Area Development (Q2 2016)

The U.S. has far fewer free-trade agreements in place than its North American neighbors, while many make arguments for and against these agreements. More

12th Annual Consultants Survey: Clients’ Robust New Facility/Expansion Plans Revealed

Geraldine Gambale, Editor, Area Development Magazine (Q1 2016)

Two thirds of the consultants believe the economy is on a continuous growth track, and nearly all are busy helping clients with new facility and expansion plans. The primary recipient of these new facilities will be the Southern states. More

Compliance: Where Incentives Are Won or Lost

Gary Marx, Managing Director, BlueCap Economic Advisors, LLC (Q3 2015)

Proper incentives compliance reporting will help a company to ensure that it receives the full value of the incentives it was offered in the application and negotiations process. More

Leading Locations for 2015: Creating a Track Record of Economic Success, Denver-Aurora-Broomfield Ranks First

Area Development Special Presentation (Q2 2015)

Area Development analyzed economic and workforce data for 373 MSAs to determine which U.S. cities are creating jobs and nurturing sustainable economic development. The results of the Leading Locations 2015 study clearly reflect the strength of the western half of the United States: eight of the top-10 MSAs are in the West — three in Colorado, two in California, two in Texas, and one in Washington State. More

The Evolution of Economic Development: 1965 - 2015

Steve Kaelble, Staff Editor, Area Development (Q2 2015)

Since Area Development’s inaugural issue 50 years ago, the economic development process has changed dramatically. More

First Person: U.S. Economy Uniquely Positioned for 21st Century

Peter Zeihan, Geopolitical Analyst,  (Q2 2015)

One of Area Development’s staff editors recently interviewed Peter Zeihan, a former analyst at the geopolitical security firm Stratfor and author of The Accidental Superpower. Zeihan discusses the North American shale boom and the role of the U.S. in protecting global trade. More

29th Annual Survey of Corporate Executives: A Realignment of Location Priorities

Area Development Special Presentation (Q1 2015)

The location and expansion plans of our Corporate Survey respondents are not as robust as we had hoped, and their site selection priorities have been realigned, with facilities costs supplanting labor considerations. More

First Person: A Tire Giant Helps Grow Small Business

John D. Tully, President & COO, Michelin Development Company and Geraldine Gambale, Editor, Area Development Magazine (Q3 2014)

Forming positive relationships with the communities in which they are located is important for companies, large and small. These relationships foster further economic growth within the host communities. With that in mind, Area Development’s editor recently interviewed John Tully, the director of Michelin Development, formed specifically to offer support to new small and medium-size businesses. More

In Focus: New Development of Small Industrial Facilities Expected as Inventory Dwindles

James Martell, President, Ridge Development Company, LLC (Q3 2014)

Lack of inventory for smaller scale industrial facilities in certain markets has created more competition among tenants and is expected to prompt activity from regional and national industrial developers, bringing new, state-of-the-art buildings to market. More

Positive Outlook for Middle Market Manufacturing Execs

Karen L. Kurek , Partner - National Industrial Products Practice Leader, McGladrey LLP (Q3 2014)

Amid growing optimism, the manufacturing sector plans to add jobs over the next 12 months. Small and mid-size manufacturing and distribution companies expect solid growth over the next 12 months — and two-thirds plan to add jobs during that period. In fact, these growing companies expect to increase their workforces by 6 percent, up from 4 percent in 2013. More

Location Notebook: Tesla’s “Gigafactory” - Reno’s Game Changer

Dennis Cuneo, Former Senior Vice President, Toyota Motor North America; Owner , DC Strategic Advisors (Q3 2014)

With the announcement that Tesla picked Reno for its highly publicized $5 billion “gigafactory,” the area took a giant step toward civic leaders' goal of remaking its economy and image. To win the project, the state offered a rich — and what will be a highly scrutinized — incentive package. Will the bold gamble pay off? More

Energy-Rich States Growing U.S. Economy, Shifting Global Balance

Geraldine Gambale, Editor, Area Development Magazine (Q3 2014)

States with plentiful energy resources exhibited the fastest rates of economic growth last year; nationwide growth in energy-related jobs was more than twice the national average of overall job growth. More

Frontline: Tesla’s New Battery Plant to Bring Electric Vehicles to the Masses

Geraldine Gambale, Editor, Area Development Magazine (Q3 2014)

A comprehensive incentives package (pending legislative approval), proximity to natural resources and abundant renewable energy potential are significant factors that will improve Tesla’s odds of success in the “get things done state.” More

Special Investment Report: Florida’s Eastern and Mid-Gulf Coasts

Steve Kaelble, Staff Editor, Area Development (Q3 2014)

How many places in the world can claim to be on the cutting edge of both space and ocean transportation? It’s a striking illustration of the economic diversity you’ll find as you scan down the East Coast of Florida and then partway up the Gulf side. More

Frontline: A “Transformative” Trade-Agreement Model for the U.S.

Lisa A. Bastian (Q3 2014)

If a ‘high-level” Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement can be signed, it could help create 700,000 new jobs as early as 2015 by eliminating barriers on trade with multiple Pacific Rim Nations. More

Canada’s Competitive Corporate Tax Landscape

Howard Silverman, President & CEO, The CAI Global Group (Location Canada 2014)

Canada has witnessed a remarkable transformation in the business tax landscape. Once known for having one of the highest corporate income tax rates in the developed world, Canada now has one of the lowest rates of the Group of Seven (G7) leading industrial economies and is near the middle of the pack of OECD countries. More

Canada to Widen It's Channels of Trade

Leslie Wagner, Senior Principal, Ginovus (Location Canada 2014)

Although it’s not without challenges, implementation of Canada’s trade agreement with the EU would have many benefits as well as an economic impact on world trade. More

In Focus: Toronto Named World’s “Most Intelligent” Community

Lou Zacharilla, Co-founder, Intelligent Community Forum (Location Canada 2014)

The debate about whether broadband and technology should become required investments is over. The discussion now is how to connect these neutral technologies to an endless natural resource: the human being. For the next 12 months Toronto will be the city that serves as the model of the Intelligent Community movement and the future. More

At the Forefront of the Advanced Manufacturing Movement, Canada Embraces Transformation

Mark Crawford, Staff Editor, Area Development (Location Canada 2014)

A leader in innovative manufacturing, Canada recognizes and supports its knowledge-based, high-tech industries which, in turn, continue to invest in cutting-edge R&D More

Location Notebook: Kentucky Keeps Its Economy On Track

Steve Kaelble, Staff Editor, Area Development (Q2 2014)

As states throughout the nation struggled during the recession, Kentucky quickly acted to help its economy not only recover but also grow. More

Editor’s Note: Which Locations Are Leading in Economic Growth and Job Creation?

Geraldine Gambale, Editor, Area Development Magazine (Q2 2014)

Although the economy was off to a slow start this year, the states and MSAs highlighted in Area Development’s Gold and Silver Shovel and 100 Leading Locations reports will be among the leaders of the predicted economic rebound for 2014. More

Leading Locations for 2014: Economic Strength and Year-Over-Year Growth MSAs

Dale D. Buss, Staff Editor, Area Development (Q2 2014)

Nine of the top-10 cities in the Area Development 2014 “Economic Strength” ranking benefited greatly from boom times for oil and gas development and refining, or from their area’s historic and growing position at the forefront of a burgeoning area of the global economy. More

Transportation Equipment: A Key Economic Driver

Mark Crawford, Staff Editor, Area Development (Q2 2014)

Growth in the automotive, aerospace, and other transportation related manufacturing industries is rolling along at a steady pace. More

Why the C-Suite Should Focus on Incentives

Rebecca Truelove, Business Incentives Partner, Ernst & Young and Judith Garner, Senior Manager, Financial Services, Ernst & Young (Q2 2014)

As governments at all levels increase their use of incentives, companies must figure out how to best capitalize on these offerings to increase their competitive advantage. More

Leading Locations for 2014 Commentary: Why Should I Measure Regional Economic Performance Using Gross Metro Product (GMP)?

Alexander Miron, Economist, Moody's Analytics (Q2 2014)

Measuring economic perfor-mance can be a difficult task, and no single measure offers a complete picture. However, a comparison of gross metro product (GMP) is often the best starting point for judging regional performance. More

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