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Q4 2018
Cover Story: Consultants Insights
Logistics / Infrastructure >>

Infrastructure Investment: Shifting the Focus from Cost to Opportunity

Stephen Gray, President & CEO, Gray, Inc. (Q4 2018)
The cost of upgrading and maintaining U.S. infrastructure is an investment that will pay off for industry and the nation as a whole, resulting in job creation and increased GDP. More
Taxes / Incentives >>

One Year Later: The Impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Kyle Syers, Senior Consultant, Biggins Lacy Shapiro & Co. (Q4 2018)
We are just beginning to see the economic effect of the TCJA, passed in December 2017, but tax cuts are among many factors influencing U.S. investment decisions. More
Government Policy / Business Climate >>

The Impact of Tariffs on Supply Chain Costs

Dan Levine, Practice Leader, Location Strategies and Economic Development, Oxford Economics, Inc. (Q4 2018)
The worsening tariff situation will affect prices throughout the international supply chain that supports companies’ operations both in the U.S. and abroad — and ultimately affect their bottom line. More
Workplace Trends >>

The Value of a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Workplace

John Wooster, Vice President, Consulting, JLL (Q4 2018)
Smart workplaces are flexible and personalized to attract a high-performing, diverse workforce. More
Workplace Trends >>

Millennials Spark Seismic Shift in Site Selection

Gregory Burkart, Principal - Site Selection Services, Walbridge  (Q4 2018)
Those looking for a location for a new facility are focusing on communities that differentiate themselves through their quality of life, labor force, and cultural fit. More
Taxes / Incentives >>

Agile Real Estate’s Impact on Incentives

Aaron Hirschl , Senior Financial Analyst, CBRE (Q4 2018)
Agile real estate solutions that reduce your firm’s level of investment and/or headcount may have an effect on incentives provided by state and local entities. More
Taxes / Incentives >>

Understanding - and Capitalizing on - Opportunity Zones

Michael Fitzpatrick, Partner, Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP (Q4 2018)
The U.S. Treasury recently released regulations that will guide governance and implementation of Opportunity Zones, which have the potential to attract more than $50 billion of capital to low-income communities. More
Taxes / Incentives >>

Why Do Many Incentives Awarded Remain Unused?

Les Cranmer, Senior Managing Director, Savills  (Q4 2018)
There’s often a mismatch between incentives provided and those an organization — which also needs to be aware of any “strings attached” — can actually use. More
Taxes / Incentives >>

Incentive Considerations in M&A Transactions

Chad Sweeney, Senior Principal, Ginovus (Q4 2018)
A company that is acquiring or selling a business needs to evaluate the potential advantages and liabilities of incentives already in place, as well as opportunities for future incentives. More
Skilled Labor / STEM >>

Evaluating a Workforce Pipeline During Times of Low Unemployment

Ann Petersen, Managing Director, Business Incentives Practice, Cushman & Wakefield (Q4 2018)
Although the education levels of a state’s workforce should be a significant consideration for any project expansion or relocation, that data alone may not be sufficient to tell the whole story of the workforce for a particular market. More
Site Selection Factors / Strategy >>

Due Diligence in Today’s Site Selection World

Sarah White, Director, Quest Site Solutions (Q4 2018)
You’ve made your list — now check it twice for ownership issues and site suitability, as well as workforce and financial considerations. More
Site Selection Factors / Strategy >>

The Search Is On, But Should We Tell?

Monty Turner, Senior Vice President, Location Strategy, Colliers Site Selection (Q4 2018)
When site selecting, there are pros and cons to maintaining confidentiality as well as to making the search public; it all depends upon your company’s current situation. More
Biotech / Life Sciences >>

How Location Strategy Can Fuel Drug Discovery

Roger Humphrey, Division President, Life Sciences, JLL (Q4 2018)
Life sciences companies are seeking locations where they can attract top talent and identify flexible facilities, which is directly affecting their real estate decisions. More
Construction / Project Planning >>

The Ins and Outs of Working With an Architectural / Engineering Firm

John Wharton, Director of Project Delivery Excellence, Gresham Smith  (Q4 2018)
It’s important that clients new to working with an A/E firm understand their standard business processes in order to achieve a successful capital project. More
Construction / Project Planning >>

The Calculus of Master Planning an Industrial Site Project

Alan H. Cobb, CEO & President, Albert Kahn Associates, Inc. (Q4 2018)
Effective master planning results in seamless construction projects and builds the momentum for lean, concise operations and continued success. More
Government Policy / Business Climate >>

What’s Your U.S. Manufacturing and Tariff Strategy?

Rosemary Coates, Executive Director, Reshoring Institute; President, Blue Silk Consulting,  (Q4 2018)
With the uncertain future of new tariffs and penalties, is it time to consider building a manufacturing site in the United States? More
Logistics / Infrastructure >>

The Surprising Impact of E-Commerce on Urban Real Estate Markets

Joe Mikes, Head of Real Estate Solutions, Americas, DHL Supply Chain (Q4 2018)
Distribution is moving closer to end customers, and that means more distribution centers in urban environments. More
Front Line
Construction / Project Planning >>

Frontline: UAVs Provide Construction Industry With Clearer Sight Line

Dan Emerson, Staff Editor, Area Development (Q4 2018)
As companies increasingly use drones to monitor progress on construction projects, the FAA is easing restrictions that are currently limiting their use. More
Advanced Manufacturing >>

In Focus: Capitalizing on the Speed of 3D Printing

Matt Exline, Engineering Manager, Romeo Rim Inc. (Q4 2018)
3D printing, rapid prototyping isn’t just for product development; it has helped to create a culture where waste reduction is a priority. More
Advanced Manufacturing >>

First Person: Internet Security for the Manufacturing Industry

Oliver Dehning, CEO, Hornetsecurity (Q4 2018)
Cybersecurity has become an increasingly important concern for businesses of all types and sizes. To find out more about the cyber threats these companies are facing, Area Development recently interviewed Oliver Dehning, CEO for U.S. operations at Hornetsecurity, a cybersecurity firm focused on cloud-based solutions. More
Workplace Trends >>

In Focus: Technology and the Evolution of the Real Estate Industry

Robert G. Thornburgh , Executive Vice President & Partner, Kidder Mathews (Q4 2018)
The marriage of physical and digital technologies is having a transformative effect on real estate markets — from industrial and distribution to office. More
Online Exclusives
Consultants Forum Insights >>

Five Tips for Successful Economic Development Collaboration

Jason Lake, Executive Managing Director, Total Workplace, Cushman & Wakefield (Q4 2018)
Jason Lake, Senior Managing Director, Business Incentives Practice at Cushman & Wakefield, spoke with Area Development following his presentation on corporate/economic development collaboration at our Consultants Forum. More
Consultants Forum Insights >>

The Key to Industrial Site Selection? Consumers and Labor

Rob Wheeler, Senior Vice President, Industrial Integrated Portfolio Services , JLL (Q4 2018)
Following our Consultants Forum, Area Development discussed the state of industrial real estate in an evolving world with Rob Wheeler, Senior Vice President, Integrated Portfolio Services, at JLL. More
Consultants Forum Insights >>

Negotiating Incentives? Avoid These Common Pitfalls.

Jennifer Harris, Account Director, Akrete (Q4 2018)
Dave Cooper, Shareholder, Economic Development & Incentives Practice Group at Maynard Cooper & Gale, spoke with Area Development about how to deal with the challenges that often come up during the incentives negotiation process. More
Consultants Forum Insights >>

Operation Rescue: Navigating Project Pitfalls from Start to Finish

Katie Culp, CEO, KSM Location Advisors (Q4 2018)
Tim Cook, CEO, and Katie Culp, President, of KSM Location Advisors discussed with Area Development how managers can anticipate and tackle the unexpected surprises that will arise during a site selection project. More
Consultants Forum Insights >>

Is Your New Economy Workforce Hiding Where You Least Expect It?

Chris Schwinden, Partner, Site Selection Group (Q4 2018)
Area Development recently interviewed Chris Schwinden, Vice President, Site Selection Group, about how companies can assess a location’s true workforce potential in this exceptionally tight labor market. More
Consultants Forum Insights >>

The Big Five: Key Tax Credits and Public Incentives

Brad Elmer, CFA Managing Director, Baker Tilly Capital (Q4 2018)
Subsequent to his presentation on tax credits and incentives in the financing package at our Consultants Forum, Brad Elmer, CFA, Managing Director at Baker Tilly Capital, sat down to discuss the topic with Area Development. More

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