Let’s take a closer look.
- Utah drops from #7 to #11 in the Competitive Labor Market. This is a location our clients with office and/or manufacturing needs are asking about, and the state’s success is partially attributable to the cost increases in Denver and Phoenix. We’ll have to wait until next year to see if this is a one-year drop or if all those wins substantially tightened the labor market. One truly has to visit Salt Lake to understand the possibilities, and widespread travel restrictions could account for Utah’s lower score.
- In back-to-back years, California doesn’t make the list for logistics. My rationale for this is California is a great place from which to serve the West Coast, but if at all possible (and it’s usually not), companies avoid the Republic.
- North Carolina (#5) and South Carolina (#4) have new secretaries of Commerce leading their teams. Can they keep up the momentum?
- Taxes matter. Florida (#2 for Corporate Tax Environment) sees a large influx of financial positions bolstering the wages and disposable income in beachfront communities. This has been happening for years, but in 2020 this trend accelerated — possibly aided by reduced COVID restrictions.
- Arizona is top 10 in every category except Corporate Tax Environment, Business Incentives, and Logistics and Infrastructure. These are extremely important categories depending on the project, but with a strong labor market, workforce training, land availability, and energy costs, expect to see more projects here. The state is heavily reliant on Phoenix, so changes in the nearby markets will affect its rankings.
- 1. Georgia
- 2. Texas
- 3. Tennessee
- 4. South Carolina
- 5. North Carolina
- 6. Alabama
- 7. Indiana
- 8. Virginia
- 9. Ohio
- 10. Florida
- 11. Arizona
- 12. Mississippi
- 13. Louisiana
- 14. California
- 15. Nevada
- 16. Kentucky
- 17. Utah
- 18. Oklahoma
- 19. New York
- 20. Kansas
Individual Categories
Overall Cost of Doing Business
- 1. Georgia
- 2T. North Carolina
- 2T. Alabama
- 4T. Texas
- 4T. Tennessee
- 4T. South Carolina
- 7. Mississippi
- 8. Indiana
- 9T. Florida
- 9T. Arizona
Business Incentives Programs
- 1. South Carolina
- 2. Georgia
- 3. Alabama
- 4. Tennessee
- 5T. Indiana
- 5T. Mississippi
- 7T. North Carolina
- 7T. Virginia
- 7T. Louisiana
- 10. Texas
Access to Capital & Project Funding
- 1. California
- 2. Texas
- 3. New York
- 4. Massachusetts
- 5. Georgia
- 6. North Carolina
- 7. Illinois
- 8. Florida
- 9T. Tennessee
- 9T. Arizona
Competitive Labor Environment
- 1T. Georgia
- 1T. Texas
- 3. North Carolina
- 4. Florida
- 5T. Tennessee
- 5T. Virginia
- 5T. Arizona
- 8. Indiana
- 9T. South Carolina
- 9T. Alabama
Workforce Development Programs
- 1. Georgia
- 2T. Virginia
- 2T. Louisiana
- 4. South Carolina
- 5. Alabama
- 6T. North Carolina
- 6T. Tennessee
- 8T. Arizona
- 8T. Ohio
- 10T. Texas
- 10T. Florida
- 10T. California
Energy Availability & Costs
- 1. Tennessee
- 2. Georgia
- 3. Texas
- 4. North Carolina
- 5. Washington
- 6T. South Carolina
- 6T. Kentucky
- 8T. Arizona
- 8T. Alabama
- 10. Oklahoma
Logistics & Infrastructure
- 1. Texas
- 2. Georgia
- 3T. Tennessee
- 3T. Indiana
- 5T. Virginia
- 5T. South Carolina
- 7. Ohio
- 8. California
- 9. North Carolina
- 10T. Kentucky
- 10T. Illinois
Site-Readiness Programs
- 1. Tennessee
- 2. Georgia
- 3. North Carolina
- 4T. South Carolina
- 4T. Ohio
- 6T. Virginia
- 6T. Indiana
- 8. Alabama
- 9T. Texas
- 9T. Arizona
- 9T. Kentucky
Available Real Estate
- 1T. Texas
- 1T. Georgia
- 3. North Carolina
- 4T. Ohio
- 4T. South Carolina
- 6. Tennessee
- 7T. Arizona
- 7T. Alabama
- 9. Indiana
- 10. Florida
Cooperative & Responsive State Government
- 1. Georgia
- 2. Tennessee
- 3. Indiana
- 4. South Carolina
- 5. North Carolina
- 6T. Alabama
- 6T. Virginia
- 8. Mississippi
- 9. Arizona
- 10T. Texas
- 10T. Ohio
Corporate Tax Environment
- 1. Texas
- 2. Florida
- 3T. Nevada
- 3T. North Carolina
- 5. Tennessee
- 6. Ohio
- 7T. Indiana
- 7T. South Dakota
- 9. Georgia
- 10T. Utah
- 10T. Wyoming
Favorable Regulatory Environment
- 1. South Carolina
- 2. Texas
- 3T. Georgia
- 3T. Alabama
- 5. Indiana
- 6. Tennessee
- 7. Mississippi
- 8T. Arizona
- 8T. Nevada
- 10T. North Carolina
- 10T. Florida
- 10T. Utah
Speed of Permitting
- 1. Alabama
- 2. South Carolina
- 3. Georgia
- 4. Mississippi
- 5. Texas
- 6. Tennessee
- 7. Virginia
- 8. North Carolina
- 9T. Arizona
- 9T. Louisiana
- 9T. Indiana
- Overall Cost of Doing Business
- Business Incentive Programs
- Access to Capital & Project Funding
- Competitive Labor Environment
- Workforce Development Programs
- Energy Availability & Costs
- Logistics & Infrastructure
- Site-Readiness Programs
- Available Real Estate
- Cooperative & Responsive State Government
- Corporate Tax Environment
- Favorable Regulatory Environment
- Speed of Permitting